That Obscure Object of Desire ( Cet obscur objet du désir ) Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

My Wish List

List created by MrThell

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Beau Travail N/A
2. Dead Ringers N/A
3. Dune N/A
4. Three Days of the Condor N/A
5. Raid: Redemption, The ( Serbuan maut ) N/A

Movies I've Seen

List created by Kristie

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Sin Nombre N/A
2. Beasts of the Southern Wild N/A
3. Moonrise N/A
4. Schindler's List N/A
5. Hugo N/A


List created by Indie Fan

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Jaws 4/4
2. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope 4/4
3. Close Encounters of the Third Kind 4/4
4. Apocalypse Now 4/4
5. Alien 4/4
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