TenaciousDnj's Movie Rating History

Movie Title Theirs Your Rating Overall Add
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory 2.5/4 3.1/4
10 Things I Hate About You 2.0/4 2.8/4
West Side Story (1961) 3.5/4 3.0/4
The Adventures of Robin Hood 3.5/4 3.1/4
High Fidelity 3.5/4 3.0/4
Garden State 3.0/4 2.9/4
Titanic (1997) 2.5/4 3.0/4
Religulous 4.0/4 2.7/4
Man on Wire 3.0/4 3.0/4
Bowling for Columbine 4.0/4 2.9/4
Super Size Me 3.0/4 2.8/4
The Doors 1.0/4 2.7/4
Amistad 3.5/4 2.9/4
United 93 3.0/4 2.9/4
Milk 3.5/4 3.0/4
All the President's Men 3.0/4 3.1/4
Apollo 13 3.5/4 3.1/4
Munich 3.5/4 3.0/4
Jarhead 2.5/4 2.6/4
Charlie Wilson's War 3.5/4 2.7/4
Heartbreak Ridge 2.0/4 2.7/4
Flags of Our Fathers 2.0/4 2.8/4
Stripes 3.0/4 2.9/4
Lifeboat 3.5/4 3.0/4
The Patriot (2000) 3.5/4 2.8/4
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