The Film Rebel's Movie Review of The Last Airbender

Rating of

The Last Airbender

The Film Rebel - wrote on 07/03/10

Dear M. Night Shamalamadingdong,

I really enjoyed your first three films. "The Sixth Sense" is a great suspense thriller even if you know the twist. "Unbreakable", while not as strong, is a very solid film. "Signs", to me, is your best film and one of my top 20 favorite movies of all time.

After "Signs" you REALLY went down hill, buddy. You made **deep depressing sigh** "The Village", "Lady in the Water", and "The Happening". These proved that as a filmmaker, you were losing credibility. But you know what the difference is between those three films and "The Last Airbender"? Those movies were actually tolerable. I would watch those movies 50 times over and over again than endure the awfulness of your latest film.

As a fan of the Nickelodean show "Avatar: the Last Airbender", I can tell you right away that this is one of the worst movie adaptations of anything I have ever seen. Ok, I'll admit there were some really well done action scenes, the visuals were impressive, and the film moved along at a steady pace. But the story, the characters, and the acting do not do them justice.

First of all, Noah Ringer, the kid who played Aang (or Ong as his name is horribly mispronounced) is the worst thing to happen to child acting since Jake Lloyd. Every actor and every character was just like wallpaper, they were just there. The guy who played admiral(or as he is now called in the movie Commander) Zhao was awful. He was nothing like his character. The only actor who did a commendable job was Dev Patel of Slumdog fame. Jackson Rathbone was ok and so was Shaun Toub. Everyone else I could care less for.

And do NOT get me started on the characters. You got them all wrong. Sokka(or Soka as his name is mispronounced) and Irho(or Eero as his name is mispronounced) are supposed to be comic relief and Irho looks nothing like how he does on the show! On top of that, the so called "romances" the film was going for were all terribly underdeveloped.

And the story, and what a story it is! The story was so completely rushed. All you did was copy and pasted the plot of season one off Wikipedia and used it for Katara's stupid naration. You took the cliff notes from season one and tried to make a 90 min movie. The editing was terrible. I'm assuming you brought the studio a 5 hour movie and they forced you to edit the thing down.

All in all, you've really let me down with this one. You were once a respectable and well established filmmaker. M. Night, eat my ass! Noah Ringer, go eat a dick!


Your former fan,


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annakinema - wrote on 07/14/10 at 05:14 PM CT

The Last Airbender Review comment

M. Night Syamalan started off with three big hits: The Sixth Sense (1999), Unbreakable (2000), and Signs (2002). But as his career digressed, his movies have gotten steadily worse, The Village (2004), Lady in the Water (2006), and The Happening (2008). With The Last Airbender, Shyamalan was under a lot of pressure to reverse this trend, and do justice to a show loved by millions. Would Airbender be the start of his comeback? Or would it only further cement his recent failures as a writer and …

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