Berlin Alexanderplatz Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3734

Average Rating: 2.9/4

# of Ratings: 13

Theatrical Release Date: 01/01/1979

Language: German

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Actors: Günter Lamprecht, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Karlheinz Braun, Hanna Schygulla, Claus Holm, Franz Buchrieser

Plot: In 1930s Germany, Franz Biberkopf, just out of prison for murdering his girlfriend, struggles to adjust to life on the outside. As he gets more deeply and destructively involved with his best friend -- a pimp -- and various women, the Nazis begin their rise to power. Fassbinder's 16-hour epic was originally shown on German television. Based on the novel by Alfred Doblin. -- Filmhog

Quick Movie Reviews

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mitchellyoung - wrote on 02/22/2012

This long-winded movie/miniseries is an enigma - sometimes intriguing and sometimes plodding. The film's true star is Gunter Lamprecht, whose starring role wrings him through every spectrum of human emotion. The film's best scenes, to me, are in the surreal finale, which focuses the film's themes through the lenses of religious symbolism in an other-worldly visual palette. The darker moments bothered me, particularly the film's streak of misogyny, which is often glossed over without blinking an eye. As a whole, there probably is no reason for this movie to top out at 16 hours, but it's a thoroughly exhausting experience that, if nothing else, is thought-provoking and memorable.

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Vereinfacht - wrote on 05/26/2016

Our Daily Free Stream: Berlin Alexanderplatz (engl. subt.). Alfred Döblin meinte es wirklich ernst mit der Moderne. Er stammte aus einer gutbürgerlichen jüdischen Familie und wurde Nervenarzt zu einer Zeit, da das noch heftig umstritten war. Ausserdem verfasste er Artikel für die expressionistische Zeitschrift "Der Sturm". Seine Essays über Berlin veröffentlichte er bereits während des ersten Weltkrieges und daraus wurde später sein Roman Berlin Alexanderplatz, der diesen Charakter beibehielt. Eine Mischung aus Collagen, inneren Monologen und expressionistischen Ausbrüchen. Wer es liest, meint, unmittelbar dabei zu sein! Ganz nebenbei ist dieser erste Grossstadt-Roman aber auch ein gewaltiger Brocken Gesellschaftskrritik. Phil Jutzi war einer der Wegbereiter des proletarischen …

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