Earth to Echo Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

Rating of

I've seen better.

Matthew Brady - wrote on 09/28/2014

The worst line in this movie. Munch: "This is scary as balls".

The story is about three boys whose lives are about to change. Their neighborhood is being destroyed by a highway construction project that is forcing their families to move away. But just two days before they must part ways, the boys begin receiving a strange series of signals on their phones. Convinced something bigger is going on, they team up with another school friend, Emma, and set out to look for the source of their phone signals. What they discover is something beyond their wildest imaginations: a small alien who has become stranded on Earth.

I got to say the beginning of this movie started off pretty strong and I was surprised about that. Until they meet echo and that's when the movie went down hill then. As …

Movie Star

Rating of

Echoes of “E.T.”

Leslie - wrote on 07/08/2014

Part "E.T.", part "Goonies," "Earth to Echo" perfectly blends the experience of children encountering an alien and uniting to save their neighborhood from bulldozers into one movie. Alex, Munch, Tuck and Emma embark on this quest as a foursome intent on evading government agents who want to destroy Echo, the alien robot who sends signals to the kids’ cell phones in order to find and rebuild its spaceship.

Long gone are the days of E.T.’s Speak and Spell phone and treasure maps that lead to “One-Eyed” Willy’s ship. These "Earth to Echo" kids are new millennium adventurers who are tech-savvy enough to not only communicate with Echo, but record their whole journey on camera. And although no child actor can ever be as adorable as Gertie (Drew Barrymore) freaking out at …

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