On the Road Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

wieviel Story?

cinegeek.de - wrote on 04/17/2016

Jack Kerouac's “On the Road” ist ohne Frage einer der Meilensteine moderner amerikanischer Literatur, mehr noch, der Inbegriff der Beat Generation! Walter Salles Verfilmung wirft nun die Frage auf, wieviel "Story" eigentlich in dem Werk steckt? Kerouacs Held Sal Paradise sieht hier aus wie ein moderner Outlaw, begleitet von Dean Moriarity auf einer Reise quer durch Amerika. Im Gepäck: Frauen, Suff und Jazz. Eine Reise voller Geheimnisse, aber keine simple Sinnsuche. Kerouacs Roman stellte in den späten 50ern keinen Triumpf, sondern einen Flächenbrand dar! Der Autor war permanenter Gast in Talkshows, seine Beats zierten das Life Magazine mit dunklen Sonnenbrillen und intensiver Coolness. Ich denke, auch später gehörte es noch zum guten Ton, das Buch bei sich tragend mit schwarzem …


Rating of

classic book, but not a classic movie

KingInTheNorth - wrote on 07/03/2013

The young writer Sal (sam Riley) has no idea to write about. One day he meets the free-spirited Dean(Garrettt Hedlund) with is girlfriend/wife/ex-wife Marylou (Kristen Stewart) and his life begins to change...
The movie is based on the book by Jack Kerouac and it is quite similar to it. The actors, on the whole are doing a good job, but they all look a little bit "weird" in their role. The script had a lot of holes, an unnecessary flashback. And the dialog was very bad, it sounded so "unhuman". The Director Walter Salles did a quite bad job, the camera was sometimes to close and then to far, so it was confusing. The cinematography also was bad, so were the costumes they didn't look like they were in the thirties. The music was not noteworthy.
On the whole I was disappointed by the …

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