A Clockwork Orange Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Top Movie List

List created by kscribble

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Shawshank Redemption 4/4
2. Fight Club 4/4
3. The Dark Knight 2.5/4
4. Forrest Gump 3/4
5. The Matrix 2/4

Best of 1971

List created by Protozoid

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. A Clockwork Orange 4/4
2. The Devils 4/4
3. McCabe & Mrs. Miller 4/4
4. Walkabout 3.5/4
5. Death in Venice ( Morte a Venezia ) 4/4

25 Favorite Films of the 1970s

List created by James

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Taxi Driver 4/4
2. The Godfather 4/4
3. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope 4/4
4. Jaws 4/4
5. Mean Streets 4/4

Top Movie List

List created by manu

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Arrival 4/4
2. Lucy 3/4
3. The Matrix 3/4
4. Inception N/A
5. Blade Runner 2049 N/A

Top Movie List

List created by splintspiderman

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Shaun of the Dead 4/4
2. Boogie Nights 4/4
3. Memento 4/4
4. Mulholland Drive 4/4
5. Aliens 4/4

Top of the top

List created by buxter

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Manchester by the Sea 4/4
2. Dunkirk 3.5/4
3. Blade Runner 2049 3.5/4
4. Sicario 4/4
5. The Dark Knight 4/4

Best Movies Ever List. My Personal Favorites

List created by Okamiyaksha

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Last Samurai 3.5/4
2. Gladiator 4/4
3. The 13th Warrior 3.5/4
4. Fight Club 4/4
5. The One 3.5/4
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