Girl Was Young, The ( Young and Innocent ) Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Top Directors 001: Alfred Hitchcock

List created by Allison

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Shadow of a Doubt 4/4
2. Vertigo 4/4
3. Strangers on a Train 3.5/4
4. North by Northwest 3/4
5. The 39 Steps 3.5/4

Greatest Hitchcock Masterpeices

List created by The SHC

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Psycho 4/4
2. The Birds 3.5/4
3. Dial M for Murder 4/4
4. The Man Who Knew Too Much 3/4
5. Rear Window 3.5/4

Alfred Hitchcock

List created by sodapop

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Vertigo 4/4
2. Rope 4/4
3. North by Northwest 4/4
4. Rebecca 4/4
5. Rear Window 3.5/4


List created by Arbogast1960

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Psycho 4/4
2. Vertigo 4/4
3. Rear Window 4/4
4. North by Northwest 4/4
5. Notorious 4/4
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