Ivan's Childhood ( Ivanovo detstvo ) Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Criterion Extended

List created by afoss

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Citizen Kane 3.5/4
2. King Kong 4/4
3. The 39 Steps N/A
4. The Lady Vanishes N/A
5. The Third Man 4/4


List created by Lugano777

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Saving Private Ryan N/A
2. Apocalypse Now N/A
3. Full Metal Jacket N/A
4. Platoon N/A
5. The Great Escape N/A


List created by Moviehead

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Great Escape N/A
2. The Birds N/A
3. 8 1/2 N/A
4. High and Low ( Tengoku to jigoku ) N/A
5. Jason and the Argonauts N/A
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