Holas's Movie Review of The Matrix

Rating of

The Matrix

Hello, Mr. Anderson
Holas - wrote on 04/16/09

i believe this movie changed the rules in graphicing for film. First of its kind. This is a movie for fans of Sci-fi, Action and Fishburne. I believe the part of Neo could have been played by just about an average actor since the help of computer graphics. I would really love to have seen Will Smith take on the role, but that would have been giving too many black actors a great movie to do. Going off the subject, the only movie with two black actors in it who achieved an Oscar was the Comedy 'Rat Race', i believe that should tell us something. Back to Matrix, it was a completely original idea that spawned into a trilogy. Some people compare it to a bliblical sense, i just don't see that. But if you watch the movie, sure enough, you'll get hooked. My hats off to Joe Pantoliano.

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