patjohnson76's Movie Review of Lions for Lambs

Rating of

Lions for Lambs

If we had bothered to connect the dots...
patjohnson76 - wrote on 11/13/07

Having just left the theatre from watching this, it's hard to know what to say. This film takes a look at the Iraq War and War on Terror from several angles - government, military, media, citizens, etc. When it concludes you're not likely to leave the theatre with a great feeling, but a realization of how society feels toward today's current events. I sat in my seat for most of the credits a little numb from what I saw. It's chief purpose is to make you think first, entertain second. It accompishes both with a good message and strong cast. I particularly liked the scenes between Tom Cruise and Meryl Streep as they play a verbal ping-pong of sorts in their conversation.

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