patjohnson76's Movie Review of TRON: Legacy

Rating of

TRON: Legacy

I probably grinned like an idiot thoughout
patjohnson76 - wrote on 12/17/10

TRON: Legacy basically has the same plot as it's predecessor 28 years ago: people are trapped on the grid and need to find a way out. However, the effects are so exhilarating that story quite frankly doesn't matter. Sure, there's some clunky dialogue and times where you should just turn off your mind and watch, but wow, what a ride it is. As much as the 3D craze has annoyed me lately, this is a film that DEFINITELY should be seen in 3D, and if you have the IMAX option, take it, because there's nothing like watching a light chase with Daft Punk's score booming from the speakers.

Also, Jeff Bridges is quite good. Not only does he play the wizened Kevin Flynn with authority, but his dual role as the villainous CLU is great as well. He pulls off two distinct characters so well that at times you forget you're watching the same actor. I'm giving it 4 stars because it's probably the most fun I've had at the movies all year.

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