Stoney McStonerson's Movie Review of Grudge Match

Rating of

Grudge Match

Stoney McStonerson - wrote on 01/07/15

Grudge Match smartly casts former Film Boxing experts Stallone and DeNiro but there ends the inspiration that was put into this Movie. Clunky Dialog and poor pacing labor mostly throughout. The cast includes a stiff Kim Basinger, Jon Bernthal in Walking Dead mode and the over saturated Kevin Hart. DeNiro and Stallone do have a few funny lines between them but the best and most genuine laughs come from Alan Arkin as usual. An exceptional cast is sadly wasted on mediocre writing and uninspired Direction. Both leads have made worse Movies but this was a disappointment even going in with low expectations.

Good DeNiro and Stallone. Better Arkin. Lame Script with so soDirection.

My Grade- 2 Joints

Stoney McStonerson

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