PsychoKing1227's Movie Review of Halloween (2007)

Rating of

Halloween (2007)

I Was Good To You, Mikey
PsychoKing1227 - wrote on 08/14/09

I just saw this movie today at the suggestion of a good friend who is in love with Rob Zombie, and I have to admit I was incredibly skeptical getting into this apparently over-gore-filled Rob Zombie sex-filled crap, yet I watched with great ease. There were definite points where the story seemed to become slow and hard to follow. R Z of course used a lot of references to the culture he knows most about: Hillbillies. However, the ability for the director and writer Rob Zombie to delve into a child's psyche and make a killer was actually rather illuminating. Scary and filled with more breasts than something that holds a lot of substance should hold, "Halloween" was pretty good.

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