Unknown's Movie Review of Foxcatcher

Rating of


Great Performances, Off-Putting Presentation
Unknown - wrote on 01/20/15

'Foxcatcher' is a well done piece, all-around. The realistically unsettling tone presents the damaged psyches of the main characters in an unflinching light, adding to the already terrific performances from the entire cast. Tatum comes into his own in this film as the central character. He gives the perfect nuance and sympathy to an emotionally closed off person. His was the only character whose reasonings and motivations I could somewhat grasp. I could only piece together a loose understanding of John du Pont. There's never any hint at what is going on in his head. He's so cold and standoffish in presentation that the whole film follows suit. The ever-so-slow pace counteracted the lack of involvement I felt while watching. When the finale happened, I was left pondering Pont's motive. I can't fathom how a film I had been so intently watching and wanting to accept could leave me so unresponsive to it's dark dramatic conclusion.

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