Matthew Sanchelli's Movie Review of The Punisher (2004)

Rating of

The Punisher (2004)

Unsung Hero
Matthew Sanchelli - wrote on 08/15/07

Out of a lot of the Marvel Comic movies that have come out over the years, this is actually one of my top favorites.

I never read The Punisher Comics as a kid; but I was aware of the character and some of the story lines. I think this was a very well-done movie. Much better than The Hulk or Electra; talk about dry, dull movies.

One of the most redeeming factors of this movie was it's soundtrack. I'm one of those people who really feels that many films don't take consideration, or as much consideration, towards a soundtrack as they should. This movie was not one of them. All the music choices were great choices and helped make a more effective movie.

The performances were not bad either. Thomas Jane has a very natural quality about him. Will Patton has always been a great supporting character in just about every movie I've seen him in; and though he has been given a few movies with leading roles....I don't think he's given enough...he deserves and has the talent to carry his own flick. Ben Foster has really come forward as an actor and varied roles. He's come a long way since his Disney days. Honestly, I found the weakest performance to be John Travolta's. It's grown on me the more I've watched the movie, but I still don't completely believe him in the role of Mr. Saint.

All in all, I did find myself involved with some of the characters and felt the movie as a whole was a great origin story for Frank Castle.

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