Alex's Movie Review of Avatar

Rating of


Move over Lord of the Rings, Your Avatar Is Here
Alex - wrote on 12/18/09

There are so many quotes that can be said about this movie, so here are just a couple

"Better in almost every way than Return of the King...and it won best picture"

"Cameron does what Peter Jackson couldn't - make a movie like King Kong that is nearly perfect"

"Cameron understands how to pace a movie, unlike most block buster directors"

"The Devil's in the details, and unlike The Matrix Revlutions, Avatar doesn't leave any out"

As you can tell, I liked this movie. Here is a simple breakdown

3D: Yes, it is amazing, and looks amazing. But, I don't think it added anything to the movie (I did see it in IMAX 3D). Sometimes it was almost a distraction. I really hope that 3D is just a fad.

Special Effects: They are better than King Kong or any movie I have ever seen. At first, the characters seems to move a little loopy, but then you realize that that is just the way you move. Cameron has done it again (first the Abyss, then T2, then Titanic, not this).

Story: The story is actually very similar to many "humans taking over indigenous people" stories. But, as you know, it is the way the story is told that is important. It is extremely well told with no details left out.

Direction: Top notch. Many people would complain that the dialogue lacks. Well, it doesn't. Yes, he throws in some cliches, but what big box office director has better dialogue (I can tell you it ain't speilberg - remember War of the Worlds?). Again, he doesn't forget any details and you can tell what effect his under water expeditions had on this film.

Cinematography: Amazing

Music: Good - better than I have heard in a while. It has a few themes left over from Titanic, but that can be overlooked.

This film is not perfect, but it does deliver. There are some holes and some interesting pieces to the puzzle, but the world that Cameron has created it so amazing that you don't care. There are a lot of great things you can say about this movie - mostly about the culture that he has created for the indigenous people. The best movie of 2009

Recent Comments

The Film Rebel - wrote on 06/23/10 at 05:07 AM CT

Avatar Review comment

I'm sorry, I respect your opinion but NO!! This is in NO way better than Return of the King. Return of the King had a real plot, more emotional depth, and better dialogue. This was just two and half hours and eye candy, unoriginal plot, and cardboard characters. Return of the King DEFINED the decade. Avatar is good, but overrated.

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