Carrie Clemens

Carrie Clemens

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Total Points 10

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Carrie Clemens's Information

Ranking Status: Aspiring Actor

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Favorite Genre: Drama

Latest Movie Review

Rating of

Paranormal Activity 2

Paranormal Mediocrity

Are you afraid of the dark? Paramount’s anticipated sequel Paranormal Activity 2 made viewers cry “yes” to that eerie question after breaking several records with its midnight release October 22, raking in $41.5 million, the largest sum for any horror movie with a three day opening and for any R-rated release. However, while the movie had some genuinely frightening moments and was equipped with an interesting storyline, the 91-minute thriller’s slow pace and inadequate climactic follow through left this reviewer feeling unsatisfied. The dubbed title “sequel” may be a little misleading for the movie. In actuality, the story serves as a preface to the previous Paranormal Activity and the storyline acts as an exposition to …

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