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Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Sekayi55's Information

Ranking Status: Aspiring Actor

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Favorite Genre: Action

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Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Decent, Action flick

Mission Impossible 3 is the latest installment of a well known spy franchise starring Tom Cruise. In this day and age it seems to be proving harder and harder for people to come up with new movies and while this was a decent movie it was another rehashing of a series that probably could should be wrapped up. Other than the fact that this movie didn’t have original characters or an original premise it still had an interesting plot line and captivating action scenes. The plot begins with a new character being shot immediately on the side of the street with no explanation. Later it is explained. The true main character is found in a Russian prison. The secret agent this movie revolves around, Ethan Hunt is broken out of a prison. After …

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