Prospect Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

A must see for SF fanatics.

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 04/19/2019

The Queen’s Lair.
That’s a theory.

What a fantastic SF! Not because there are breathtaking space landscapes. Or because impressive, galactic battles are being fought. And you won’t see a collection of exotic-looking aliens. To be honest, everything looks pretty cheap. As if someone has searched through the props room of large film companies just to collect remnants of old fiction films. The spacecraft, a drop-pod, with which Cee (Sophie Thatcher) and her father Damon (Jay Duplass) land on an unknown, green, swampy planet, looks like an old decrepit, plastic garbage bin full of mechanical push buttons and levers with instructions under it in a foreign language. I immediately thought of the old Moulinex kitchen appliances that my mother used to use. And I briefly compared it …

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