The Visit Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

The Visit

dukeakasmudge - wrote on 12/24/2016

***Spoilers Ahead, Most Definitely*** I was so into this movie I swear if somebody would've came up from behind & poked me while I was watching it, I would've jumped.Even though I have a couple complaints with The Visit, this is my favorite M. Night Shyamalan film.I've seen them all & hated the others except for this one.I LOVED the hide & seek scene underneath the house & what happened after.I couldn't help but laugh.Also the scene where the boy & girl hear some noises late at night, investigate, the boy opens the door &......... *Jesus Becca, I'm going blind* How can you not laugh at that?! My only complaints would be the forgiveness scene.It felt totally unnecessary & should've been left out & only added as a deleted scene.I think The Visit should've ended with the back of the cop …


Rating of

Still a decent recovery

Pat - wrote on 05/31/2016

Writer and director M. Night Shyamalan gave us movies such as The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Signs several years ago. As of late, movie fans and critics have not been too kind to his films including The Happening, The Last Airbender, and After Earth. Luckily, The Visit does have merit.

We all know that casting good child actors can be tough. I honestly believe that the two child actors in this movie nailed it. In fact I would say the child actors were much better in this movie than the actors of the grandparents. That’s one of the main problems I had with this movie believe it or not. I hate to say this but I’m going to compare overall acting in The Visit to The Sixth Sense. While these movies are both different in many ways, The Sixth Sense had perfectly acted roles, no matter …

Rating of

Twist - wrote on 03/07/2016

Vor zwanzig Jahren debütierte M. Night Shyamalan mit soviel Selbstvertrauen, dass er auf Anhieb zur ersten Liga Hollywoods zählen durfte. Doch dann... irgendwas ging schief. Er nahm sich auf solch penetrante Weise selbst zu ernst, dass seine Filme in überheblichen Allegorien untergingen. Er wurde ein Regisseur, der zwanghaft versuchte, seinen ersten Erfolg zu wiederholen. Aber hier kommt nun völlig unverhofft: The Visit - ein so unterhaltsamer und witziger Film, dass man fast vergisst, wie unheimlich er ist. Es gibt viele Horror Klischees, die mich nerven. Das Schlimmste von allen: "found footage". Shyamalan aber belebt dieses verdorrte Sub-Genre mit Adrenalin. Ja, es ist ein Stereotype. Ja, es ist absurd, dass jemand in den spannendsten Momenten noch mitfilmt. Shyamalan aber …

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

Rating of

At least it was better than After Earth

Matthew Brady - wrote on 09/28/2015

Can M. Night Shamalamadingdong return to he's old roots?...almost.

The story is about a harried single mother leaves her two young children with her grandparents for the weekend. But when they get back, things seem different - and so very wrong.

What happened to M. Night Shyamalan? That's the biggest question that everyone on the world wide web tried to answer, but we never got a clear answer. I mean seriously, how can you start off so high with success like: The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable and Signs, then suddenly out of nowhere fall straight flat on your face with non-stop sh*t like: After Earth, Lady in the Water, Last Airbender and The Happening. And it went on from there as every time M. Night release a new film it always turns out bad and pretty much everyone as just given up on …


Rating of

Not Worth A Visit

MovieMike - wrote on 09/20/2015

I can't believe they still give M. Night Shyamalan money to make more movies. 'The Sixth Sense' was probably his best work, and 'Unbreakable' was likeable as well. However, since then, there's been this slow but obvious decline in the level of quality in the movies he's been tied to. 'Signs' was barely watchable, and 'The Happening' was a huge disappointment. Now we have 'The Visit', shot in a first-person pseudo-documentary style (think 'Blair Witch', only dumber). The premise will probably catch your curiosity, but I had sussed out the 'gimmick' in this film fairly early, so the remainder of the 94 minute run time felt like an eternity. I also thought some of the subject matter was was not very politically correct in the handling of elderly stereotypes. I think anyone who has dealt …

Movie God

Rating of

Shyamalan's Latest is Worth a 'Visit'

Unknown - wrote on 09/12/2015

'The Visit' most definitely subverted my expectations. From the trailers, this looked to be another typical 'found footage' style thriller. The movie doesn't rely on this overused gimmick to sell it's story. I bought into the premise because of the characters. The reasonings for this presentation were believable enough, given the circumstance. They worked in a way that fleshed out the characters and shed light on their family history through simple effective means. I found myself actually caring about these kids. Their torn family life is treated with a heavy heart. I was surprised, but also very appreciative of this aspect. However, the rest of the movie is a weird and wild ride. It has an uncouth way of dealing suspense that culminates in some bizarre situations. I found …

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