Gravity Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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Space Hype !

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 11/28/2017

In visual terms "Gravity" is overwhelming with those images of the Earth. The infinity and immensity of the universe is beautifully put into the picture . The insignificance of man in this intolerable environment gives you a constant tightness . However, I think that you only get that overwhelming feeling when you watch this movie in the cinema. On a normal LCD TV in the living room there's not much left of this space spectacle. And that's quite a damper on the expected experience because the story on its own isn't really that much of a deal. I think it's a great achievement to create such an entertaining film with this simple story and only two characters constantly on the screen.

I sat almost the entire movie on the edge of the sofa cause of the tension. The movie has a surprisingly …

Rising Star

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The hidden meaning

Terry - wrote on 09/21/2016

There are a few points of view regarding the hidden meanings but here’s what I think:

The film is about being reborn both physically and spiritually. This is evident by one, if not the most captivating scene where Bullock takes of her space suit and slowly floats into a fetal position, with wires and tubes representing the umbilical chord and the spaceship itself serving as the womb. Upon landing on Earth, Sandra Bullock exits the spaceship, like a bay exiting the womb and is swims through water eventually reaching the sandy shore. From here we see her lying down, then crawling and finally walking as a baby would. We see her physical evolution here but her spiritual revolution takes place before she is born (crash lands on Earth), as she finds her faith again which was lost after …


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Overpraised to the max

Pat - wrote on 08/19/2016

Many movies spend their time focusing on visuals and sound. No movie suits this case better than Gravity, which had a strong start with amazing detail and auditory background.
If there is one thing great I have to say about Gravity, it is the visuals. The makers of the film knew how to execute the visuals absolutely gorgeously. The same goes with the sound: crisp and perfect.
Unfortunately the same cannot be said about the story’s pace, characters, acting, and overall grabbing of one’s attention. The story was unbearably slow paced and lacked coherence. It took the character’s almost forever to actually do something. The characters had no backstory to defend their developmental attributes. Plus the acting was way too melodramatic especially on Sandra Bullock’s part. Half the …

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ein Grab - wrote on 04/09/2016

Alfonso Cuarons Gravity, in dem Astronauten ein technisches Desaster bewältigen müssen, ist ein gewaltiger Film! Technisch umwerfend gemacht und grandios erzählt! Während ich Sandra Bullck und George Clooney bei der Arbeit zusehe, kann ich mir sogar ausmalen, wie die ersten Blockbuster wohl auf den Zuschauer gewirkt haben müssen, wie sie ihn schwindelig gemacht haben! So gings mir beim Anblick dieser freischwebenden Astronauten, die auch noch so liebenswert sind! Das tollste an Gravity ist aber gar nicht seine Grösse und Spannung, sondern dass dieser Film ein Herz hat! Eigentlich gehts gar nicht primär um Astronauten oder eine Katastrophe, im Grunde ist das hier die Hightech Fassung eines Überlebensfilms. Wir werden direkt mit den Gefühlen der Hauptfiguren konfrontiert: Das hier …

Movie God

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"Gravity" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 04/01/2014

Two astronauts are cast adrift when an accident in orbit destroys their space shuttle and leaves them stranded. I saw Gravity in 3D to experience the full effect and I must admit, the space walk scenes are visually spectacular and surely the closest the vast majority of us will ever come to experiencing space travel. Having said that, once you look past the surface Gravity is little more than a formulaic disaster flick with a plot that can be described as flimsy at best. George Clooney's character is a space cowboy stereotype and Sandra Bullock's Dr. Rhinestone (Rian Stone...seriously?!) is a typical Hollywood hero who is totally defined by one tragic experience in her past and just floats around in her undies looking scared while various bits of zero G flotsam drifts conspicuously …


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A gripping space film that pulls me in naturally

sreekirch - wrote on 03/05/2014

I mean the word has a power. Gravity, has a meaning. The film adds some power. Bullock gets the job done. A perfect tailor made role for her. Lets all think on it now. Is this film going to get Oscars! Well may be or may be not. Come on Hollywood, praise such different movies where one devotes total attention for the swift and visual thriller. Gravity has it all. In the space you are caught as gravity of earth is pulling you and Bullock a space engineer with her head Clooney (cameo role) are trying hard to land safe and also keep some hope as the dawn is coming. When debris strikes, we get the nerves up. There is a charm in making a convincing plot, a really digestible character development, some smart use of visual effects. Steven Price’s thrilling score adds gravitas to the …

Aspiring Actor

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Gravity drops like a rock

Cecil_B_DeFilm - wrote on 02/22/2014

Big "blockbuster" that plummets like a meteorite not long after take-off.

I've been a Clooney fan since he stepped out of his character from that lamestream hospital drama which he was a regular on and rolled the dice with his career in order to play Seth Gecko in From Dusk to Dawn.
Point being, in my eyes he can rarely do wrong, but in this he certainly didn't do "right." His character is flimsy and even with his standard and seemingly default "Its all fun and games until it's serious, then ITS SERIOUS" personality (which practically all the characters he plays reflect) he just doesn't seem to fit well with the severity of the situation in this particular role.

Now while I have nothing against the talents of Sandra Bullock, under the right circumstances (ie. comedies), her role …


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Cavernstones - wrote on 02/21/2014

There are movies that you only want to see once. Usually it's because it was so terrible. Gravity on the other hand, is one that engages you both in its scope of cinematography and the simpleness of the plot's concept. Sleek and sometimes over the top, Gravity, directed by Alfonso Cuaron has landed squarely in the Oscar talk.
Sandra Bullock does a wonderfully balanced turn, bringing her character's emotional states and thought processes to the audience in a way that is easy, and (as I had thought it might be) not overdone.
I'd highly recommend to see this movie if you haven't already done so. I also however have no desire to see 2.5 hours of watching someone being stranded in space again no matter how fantastic the special effects might be. Ok well maybe for the special effects.


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Rod - wrote on 10/21/2013

Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) and Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) are two astronauts trying to go back to Earth after experiencing space debris collision. Being stranded in the space, with their ships exploding, the situation exhausts their energy and all their patience just to find a way to get back to Earth.

WOW! REALLY WOW! My friend and I randomly went to a mall to watch ANY movie, then we saw this "Gravity" showing in one of the houses. We did not know what to expect as we haven't seen its trailer, but man it started with a bang! the first few minutes of the film are more than enough to say that this movie is, indeed, a classic!
Direction is perfect! After watching this film, I couldn't stop thinking, how is it possible that there's a movie as great as that! Just brilliant! A …


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An I-MAX Wonder

MovieMike - wrote on 10/18/2013

The singular point where the I-MAX film format, 3D visual technology, and the film 'Gravity', all converge is arguably the zenith of modern film making. Director, Alfonso Cuaron, takes full advantage of the I-max format right from the opening long-shot; an awe inspiring view of planet Earth as seen from the space shuttle's orbit. His use of 3D effects is also judiciously applied - you never feel like a scene was set up just to deliver a particular three dimensional thrill. In fact, they appear so subtlety; you become immersed, and not so surprised by their presence.

Because the story is lined up with the current public exposure to space exploration and the related technology, 'Gravity' has a near documentary feel to it; as opposed to a lot of recent sci-fi offerings that rely heavily …

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