Death Laid an Egg ( morte ha fatto l'uovo, La ) Full Movie Reviews

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Counting your chickens

Bribaba - wrote on 05/06/2011

Poultry is the key theme here. There are problems down on the chicken farm and so a new marketing manager is brought in to sort things out. His belief is that ’chickens are an integral part of society’ and before you say ‘cluck’ he’s come up with some brand new concepts: playboy poultry, feathery smoking jackets, pollo parties and chicken happenings in the ‘room of truth’.

But then what to do about the mutations that have suddenly started appearing on the farm and which give a whole new meaning to the term’ headless chicken’? Boss Jean-Louis Trintignant has been too busy with (possibly murderous) S&M sessions at the local hotel to notice. But then someone squawks to the cops and he’s forced to go on the lam. Meanwhile, his wife Gina Lollobridgida and her dizzy …

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