Hamlet Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews

Ichabod Crane
Ichabod Crane
Movie God

Rating of

Not a great adaptation but still Hamlet

Ichabod Crane - wrote on 11/30/2009

A version of Hamlet that is not great in any way. The psychological interpretation does not work and it removes much of the better things that are in the play. It seems very small in scope and design and there are greater versions of the play put on stage. Though it still is the play and if you enjoy Shakespeare this will probably still be enjoyable but I think it certainly could have been better and its fog to be unneeded.

Oscar Win Best Actor Laurence Olivier 5/5- Olivier is the Shakespearean actor and shows his abilities here very well. It is too bad that he does not have the scenes with Rosencratz and Guilderstern. He though is great in every scene and is a great Hamlet as simple as that. He sells every bit of the old English to the best of his ability which is great/

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