Top Russian Movies

The Top Russian Movies List is calculated by overall movie ratings and members' "Top Russian List". Lists are calculated daily.

101. Chess Fever ( Shakhmatnaya goryachka )

Year of Release: 1925
Overall Rating: 2.3 out of 4 stars
Language: Russian
Genre: Comedy
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Vsevolod Pudovkin, Nikolai Shpikovsky
Actors: Boris Barnet, José Raúl Capablanca, Vladimir Fogel, Ernst Grunfeld

102. Crime and Punishment ( Raskolnikow )

Year of Release: 1927
Overall Rating: 2.2 out of 4 stars
Language: Russian
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Robert Wiene
Actors: Gregori Chmara, Elisabeta Skulskaja, Alla Tarasova, Andrei Zhilinsky

103. 9th Company ( 9 rota )

Year of Release: 2005
Overall Rating: 2.2 out of 4 stars
Language: Russian
Genre: Drama/Historical
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Fyodor Bondarchuk
Actors: Artur Smolyaninov, Aleksey Chadov, Konstantin Kryukov, Ivan Kokorin
Plot: Young Soviet Army recruits are stuck in the bloody war in Afghanistan.

104. Bed and Sofa ( Tretya meshchanskaya )

Year of Release: 1927
Overall Rating: 2.4 out of 4 stars
Language: Russian
Genre: Comedy/Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Abram Room
Actors: Nikolai Batalov, Lyudmila Semyonova, Leonid Yurenyov, Vladimir Fogel

105. Exporting Raymond

Year of Release: 2010
Overall Rating: 2.4 out of 4 stars
Language: Russian
Genre: Documentary/Comedy
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Philip Rosenthal
Actors: Philip Rosenthal, Aleksandr Zhigalkin
Plot: Documentary about the experience of Phil Rosenthal as he tries to bring a version of Everybody Loves Raymond to Russia.

106. Siberia, Monamour ( Sibir, Monamur )

Year of Release: 2011
Overall Rating: 2.5 out of 4 stars
Language: Russian
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Slava Ross
Actors: Pyotr Zaychenko, Mikhail Protsko, Sergey Novikov, Lidiya Bairashevskaya

107. Putin's Kiss

Year of Release: 2012
Overall Rating: 2.5 out of 4 stars
Language: Russian
Genre: Documentary/Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Lise Birk Pedersen
Actors: Oleg Kashin, Masha Drokova
Plot: Masha Drokova became involved with Nashi - a Russian youth group closely tied to Vladamir Putin and strongly nationalistic - a group who has a dark side and isn't above resorting to violence to protect from the "enemies" of the state. When Masha meets with an outspoken blogger, Oleg Kashin, who likens Nashi to the Hitler Youth, she is aghast and defends the group - that is until Kashin lands in the hospital following a brutal beating and Masha is forced to face the reality about her group.

108. Cigarette Girl from Moscow, The ( Papirosnitsa ot Mosselproma )

Year of Release: 1924
Overall Rating: 2.5 out of 4 stars
Language: Russian
Genre: Comedy/Romance
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Yuri Zhelyabuzhsky
Actors: Yuliya Solntseva, Igor Ilyinsky, Anna Dmokhovskaya, Nikolai Tsereteli

109. Secret Agent ( Podvig razvedchika )

Year of Release: 1949
Overall Rating: 2.5 out of 4 stars
Language: Russian
Genre: Drama/Thriller
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Boris Barnet
Actors: Pavel Kadochnikov, Amvrosi Buchma, Viktor Dobrovolsky, Dmitri Milyutenko

110. Don Quixote ( Don Kikhot )

Year of Release: 1961
Overall Rating: 2.5 out of 4 stars
Language: Russian
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Grigori Kozintsev
Actors: Nikolai Cherkasov, Yuri Tolubeyev, Serafima Birman, Lyudmila Kasyanova

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