[ REC ] 4: Apocalypse ( [ REC ] 4: Apocalipsis ) [REC] 4: Apocalypse: Red Band Trailer

[REC] 4: Apocalypse: Red Band Trailer

Trailer Published: 12/11/2014

Plot: Ángela Vidal has survived the horrors of the cramped, quarantined apartment complex only to find herself aboard a claustrophobic oil tanker. But she harbors the strange, demonic infection within her - and the last hope to stop it lies within' the tanker - specially equipped for this scenario... or so they think. -- Chris Kavan

More Trailers for [ REC ] 4: Apocalypse ( [ REC ] 4: Apocalipsis )

[REC] 4: Apocalypse: Theatrical Trailer - published 12/11/2014

[REC] 4: Apocalypse: International Trailer - published 04/25/2014

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