smeagol's Movie Review of Tammy

Rating of


awkward scenes and annoying
smeagol - wrote on 07/27/14

A woman crashed her car into a deer. loses her job then finds out her husband is cheating with the neighbour so she leaves on the open road with her wild grandmother. where a few little thinsg happen along the way.
The main problem with this comedy is the character is very annoying. it tries to be funny but only comes of really awkward and annoying.
There's really not much to this film the characters come across as very dim witted and awkward. like much of the scenes int he movie. at least it tries to be funny in places unlike a lot of movies that have the comedy tag. but it lacks being original and most importantly being funny without seeiming like its a actors class with that awkward feel to every scene. it just doesn't gel or go anywhere
when its over you ask yourself what actually happened. the answer is well not nothing memorable anyway.
overall there's worst films but there is also much better bad ones.
my tip is wait till its on tv and if your bored turn it over.

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